bragging about god #1


I love bragging. Yes I do. But apparently bragging is bad so I usually refrain from boasting. However, recently I found out that bragging is actually pretty good. But only if you’re not bragging about you. And only if you’re bragging about God.

Fascinating, right? I think it is.

I love bragging. Yes I do. So you can imagine my delight when I found out bragging is good. That means I can boast more often. Because I love bragging. O yes I do. Love bragging about God. Is amazing. So awesome. Because He loves me. Unconditionally. Everlasstingly. With infinite amounts of patience and divine depths of compassion and mercy. He gives me chance, after chance, to dance the rigteous dance. Though I fail, everytime, he picks me up, and gifts me another chance, to try again. To do better! Because heaven is not easy to enter.

To enter the eternal kingdom of heaven, sacrifice of self is sense. So here I am, trying. Sometimes my best, sometimes my worst. Trying to be less selfish, selfless, like Jesus. But I keep failing. I keep stumbling and falling, tripping over the most basic ideals of spirituality, LOVE. Your God. Love your neighbour. Love your enemy. But I only love myself. I only want whats best for me. But whats best for me? Is something only God knows. And God knows. Whats best for me. Is Heaven. So he gives me chance, after chance, to redeem myself and walk the saintly way, and be rewarded with VIP access to the holy city of infinity, where timeless peace in His precence abound.

Who does that?

Only God.

Only God has the forbearance to deal with our sheenanigans graciously. Only God has the compassion to forgive you, over and over, again, for the same mistake. Only God has the mercy to continue giving life. Even though you don’t deserve it.

Amazing! In a heartbreaking way. Brings tears to my eyes. Tears of joy. At how much God loves and does for me. And tears of shame. At how weak I am and my sinful ways.

God I pray you give me the strength to do what is right. Please shine thine devine light of love upon me, and let that inspire me, to shine mine light also. Upon my neighbor. And upon my enemy. But mostly, upon you Almighty Father.

The seven deadly sins of life

Where hope grows, miracles blossom.

Elna Rae

In life, there are a great many things we should not do unless of course, we want to get hurt. From touching hot stoves to disturbing beehives, and unwisely spending money lavishly there is an army of things one can do to bring oneself closer to a state of suffering much further away from happiness and true success.

Out of these great many possibilities to ‘err’ in life, I bring you seven, which, if you ever find yourself committing will definitely accelerate you away from becoming successful and experiencing the true wonders of happiness. So without any further delay, here are the most significant things I want you to always remember never to do. They, in no particular order of importance, are:

  • 1. Living your life on other peoples terms

Never ever put yourself under the social pressure of having to please others. Even if you tried you’re fated to fail because firstly, you can never please everyone, and secondly, if you could–please everyone that is–you’d most likely not be pleased with yourself. The statistics of my personal experiences have shown that no matter how hard you try there will always be someone who’ll cry from your behavior.

So rather than attempting to please others and live up to their expectations of you, experts recommend you try to fulfill your own objectives and expectations instead. Not only is it much easier it’s also healthier because this way you may steer the ship of your peace of mind clear of destructive and depressive waves.

At the end of the day, when you’re on your death bed and your last breath is leaving you, and you retrospect upon your life you are the only one who will regret living other people’s lives and not your own.

And so, in order to avoid that fatalistic end, realize you are the only one who really knows yourself. So you should have faith in yourself and guide yourself according to your dreams and aspirations. You should live life on your own terms.

  • 2. Not taking risks

Every chess player worthy of their pay knows that sometimes you’ve got to sacrifice your queen to checkmate the enemy king. Sacrificing is not always guaranteed to win, it’s a huge risk because your opponent may surprise you with a response you hadn’t anticipated. Usually, though, well-calculated sacrifices generally lead to greater rewards. This is true not just in chess but in life as well.

In terms of life, taking risks doesn’t have to involve scary life-death situations. A risk doesn’t have to be drastically life-altering to be rewarding. Most times, a small risk like trying something new can have an astronomical effect in that it leads you to discover what exactly you’re meant to be doing.

So never shy away from taking risks. It definitely won’t be easy, but always be ready to try new challenges. Don’t fear the unknown, explore it, and seek out those things within it which you’re passionately interested in, those things that set your heart racing in excitement and your mind pacing in curiosity.

  • 3. Letting petty things ruin your mood and peace of mind

Just like iron filings are at times attracted towards a magnet and sometimes repelled away from it, so sometimes, in life, things go our way, and sometimes they just don’t. You need to accept this and not let many of the things you encounter in life stress you out. Most of them you’ll find are not even worth worrying about. Worrying about them just poops on your good mood, all for nothing.

Rather, you should focus your energies on the things that matter and that are in your control. Petty things which we fret over on a daily basis, mild inconveniences, coupled with things not going according to plan don’t actually require plenty of concern. So never flush your peaceful experiences down the toilet by worrying about things that have already occurred, may never happen, are out of your control, or aren’t actually important.

  • 4. Basing your happiness off external factors

We live in a capitalistic and materialistic society that promotes the notion that we need the latest smartphone and the most expensive cologne to be happy. We live in a world where people utter things like ”I can’t live without you” and ”without you I’m not happy”. Although I see and appreciate the romantic spirit within expressions like these, I strongly advise against making other people or things master over our happiness. Happiness based on external things does not last.

Happiness as the cliche goes ”is a state of mind”. Happiness is something born and bred within an individual. No amount of material wealth will permanently cure a sad heart. The only way to be happy is to understand that the word ‘happy’ is a verb aka doing word and to use that knowledge to act accordingly.

You should cultivate a strong relationship with yourself. By nurturing your self-esteem and getting to know yourself better–what you want and how to fulfill it–the likelier you’ll live a happy life regardless of whether you’ve amassed many material possessions.

  • 5. Letting others take away your personal time

The most important relationship you’ll ever have is the one with yourself. So when people try to guilt-trip you into sacrificing your precious personal time for them, don’t be scared to stamp your foot down and defend your time without shame or guilt.

Even if others don’t understand, feel free to take time out to be with yourself and to do the things that matter most to you. It’s your life, only you get to set the terms and conditions to it, and only you get to dictate how to spend your time.

  • 6. Letting others treat you badly

Everybody deserves to be treated well. No person should be subjected to mistreatment. If you have toxic people in your life who treat you badly you need to detach yourself from them. If they happen to be family or co-workers and it’s hard to separate from them then you should let them know you don’t appreciate the way they treat you. Most times, all it takes to stop being treated badly is standing up for ourselves.

We teach people how to treat us, so every time we let someone mistreat us we’re teaching them it’s okay to do so. It’s not, so cultivate relationships with people who treat you well and break off from people who mistreat you.

  • 7. Not constantly learning

We live in a rapidly ever-changing world. Yesterday’s knowledge may be too old for today. What you knew in the past might not be relevant today. So there is always something novel to learn and discover.

Having an open mind and a growth mindset will aid you in adapting to this ever-morphing world. So long as you maintain a positive attitude towards learning, so long as you do not erect a wall around your mind so that new ideas and ways of doing things don’t enter, you will be okay no matter good or bad weather.

A Positive Way

You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction.

George Lorimer

Embrace a positive way of thinking
And you will be a light in the darkness
A gardener, in mind, positive thoughts planting
Embrace a positive way of thinking
And in the dark cloud see the silver lining
Unless you want darkness to dismiss your bliss
Embrace a positive way of thinking
And you will be a light in the darkness.

© Lazarus Shatipamba 2024

The Poets Peace

NOW | Part One

Men who say it cannot be done should not interrupt the man doing it.

Chinese proverb

to tune into the now
is to turn a second into eternity
to watch an hour go by, in the blink of an eye

it is to be, beyond the borders of worries which wrinkle your brow
for you are, aware of the poetry, the beauty of life.

© Lazarus Shatipamba 2024

The Poets Peace

Gratitude 101

If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.

Albert Einstein

Guten morgen to you my friend. I hope you know no sorrow today, that instead the only thing your emotions know is how to glow to show the wow you have for life.

Welcome to my blog, and thanks for tuning in, I always feel blessed to have you here.

In this post, I would like to talk about the fascinating concept of Gratitude.

So what exactly is gratitude?
What does it mean to be grateful?
How can one cultivate gratitude?
And why should you even bother planting seeds of appreciation in your mind?

The Google dictionary defines gratitude as the quality of being thankful, basically it is the readiness to show appreciation.

Being grateful means you are aware of the value something brings into your life.

Gratitude is an emotion that elevates the mood and makes us feel happier. As a result, negative emotions will find it hard scaling the tall wall of our gratitude.

So either than an increase in emotional vibrations, are there any other benefits to gratitude?

Yes! Studies show that over prolonged periods of time, feeling grateful enhances our overall well-being by boosting both our physical and mental health.

Research into gratitude has shown that grateful people are less likely to be caught in the grip of depression. Instead, they are more likely to be in a state of glee which is said to promote longevity.

To be a Gardner of gratitude, all you have to do is become aware of the things which bring value into your life and make it worth living. Ask yourself why you’re better off with them. You can have a dedicated journal–called a gratitude journal–for this practice, or you can simply consider your blessings mentally. I find that it’s better to put things on paper.

In my practice as a Gardner, I’ve found that there are many, many, many things to be grateful for. Sometimes I’m overwhelmed by the sheer number of blessings in my life. Blessings which make me feel like the luckiest guy in the world.

Because there are so many, many, many blessings in life, we are liable to take many of them for granted.

But fortunately, it doesn’t matter how many blessings we take for granted, so long as we take time to appreciate those we are aware of, we will be able to eat from the fruits of our labour.

Practicing gratitude is now more important than ever, because we live in a world where many of us are constantly chasing after something, emphasizing lack by focusing on what we don’t have, rather than emphasizing abundance by focusing on what we have.

I’m not suggesting you stop wanting things which will make life more fulfilling, I’m simply advicing that you be mindful of all the things you already have. You’ll be amazed at how much you actually have. Only once you are truly appreciative of what you already have, will you be able to be grateful for receiving what you want.

And so, there you have it ladies and gentlemen, my ink about to run out, but before I go I want to ask what 3 things you are you most grateful for and why?

The Doors Of Opportunity

One of the greatest diseases is to be nobody to anybody.

Mother Teresa

The doors of opportunity will continue to open
and close

So be ready to walk through them
when the doors of opportunity open

And don’t be sad or mad
when the doors shut you out
of the opportunity of a lifetime

For as soon as one door closes
another is sure to open.

Just be glad
the doors of opportunity will continue to open

And steady yourself so you’ll be ready to go
when the doors of opportunity open
to let you through.

© Lazarus Shatipamba 2024

The Poets Peace

I am a tree

You can’t always be happy. But you can cultivate a state of perpetual well-being.

Lazarus Shatipamba

I am a tree
so best believe
of my fears I am free
to grow
and to reach for the stars
that glow
up high in the sky.

I am a tree
so best believe
growing brings me glee.

My roots are all grounded
in positivity
so the nutrients I take in
are geared towards nourishing
my state of well-being.

I am a tree
so best believe
I like to shed negativity
so that I don’t fall
into a state of melancholy.

I am a tree
so best believe
I shade those around me
with my positive attitude
and I share with them
the fruits of my gratitude.

Always reaching
towards the light
so you must best believe
that I seek to reach the heights
of my fullest potential
for I am tree
and growing brings me glee.

© Lazarus Shatipamba 2024

The Poets Peace

Hello beautiful people. Delighted you read my post today. I don’t have much to say, except to ask that you hit me with some constructive criticism or perhaps you can praise the poem to raise my mood in the comment section.

Either way, I’ll be glad to hear what you have to say.

Anyways, thank you for visiting a pensive poets blog. Have yourself a truly tremendous Tuesday (hopefully you already tuesd to be happy).

Happiness | a Metaphor

Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into visible.

Tony Robbins

Hi there friends! Glad to see you here. Hopefully the Monday blues haven’t had a clue how to sink their teeth into you.

As you’ve seen by the title today’s poem is a short metaphor that will hopefully open the door for you to enter into a state of mind where your perceptual parameters have been expanded.

If so, then feel free to let me know what your views on the poem are in the comment section. I’ll be more than happy to hear–or read–what you have to say.

So without further delay, here’s your poem for today…

is heaven in the mind.
A haven
where you will find your thirst
for bliss quenched
and your hunger for joy
has been filled.

© Lazarus Shatipamba 2024

The Poets Peace

You are in control

Your mental and physical health come first. Everything else is secondary.

Zat Rana

Hello there friends.

It’s been a minute since I last updated my blog.

Perhaps you’ve been wondering if something is amiss?

Rest assured everything is just the way it’s supposed to be. I can’t complain about anything. My recent period of inactivity was just down to me taking a few days off to refocus my energies.

But I’m back now and we can resume our adventures through my imagination together. I’m glad you’ve been checking in even though I haven’t been doing so. You deserve an entry in my Gratitude Journal for you love and support.

Today’s poem is one I don’t want to foreshadow with a preview. I’d much rather you read it and give me your views about it in the comment section below.

I know that sometimes your emotions will get the better of you.

That anger may run away with you and win the race of emotional stability
And that sadness will surely lull you into feeling blue.

I know that jealousy can certainly cloud your vision of reality
And fear will definitely paralyze your thoughts, so you can’t think clear.

I know lust may lure you into the bedroom of doom and gloom
And that although bliss may make you feel as though nothing is amiss
Your anxiety will eventually come along to dismiss your bliss.

When this happens, do not pull your hair in despair
Instead know that you have the intellect to dare
To control your emotions so that they never
Ever get the better of you no matter what.

© Lazarus Shatipamba 2024

The Poets Peace

Thank you once again for checking in on me, and for reading a pensive poets piece. I wish you all the best.

Time is precious

Pain makes you stronger. Fear makes you braver.

Retrieved from the Motivation app

Hi there! Thanks for checking in today. I’m glad you’re here.

It’s been a while since I’ve written a villanelle. I’m a bit out of practice with the form but I hope you enjoy reading it.

I would rather have a million seconds to spend
Then to have a million dollars to waste.
Because time is precious, and it you can’t lend.

You can still borrow money from a friend
But no one will give you their time in haste
So I’d rather have a million seconds to spend.

‘Every second in my day I’ll defend’
This statement in my head I will paste
Because time is precious, for it you can’t lend.

The loss of any time I cannot afford
Because I’ve got dreams that need to flight take.
So I’d rather have a million seconds to spend.

Even with all the money in the world
When dead, one can’t buy the time to good food taste
‘Cause time is priceless, for it you can’t lend.

Given a choice between more time or more gold
It will take me only a few seconds to decide
That I’d rather have a million seconds to spend
Because time is precious, and it you can’t lend.

© Lazarus Shatipamba 2024

The Poets Peace

Life is like the weather

Learn to weather all the seasons of your life. If you’re happy be grateful; if you’re not be thankful it will not last forever.

Lazarus Shatipamba

Life is like the weather

Sometimes its summer
and the sun shines its light
and all things radiate their warmth.

But life is like the weather
and so autumn will definitely fall
upon us. Trees will start to shed their leaves
and temperatures will begin to drop
because life is so like the weather.

So autumn eventually shifts to winter
when its so bitter cold outside
that you don’t even want to wake and get up
out of bed to face the day.

But thank goodness
life is like the weather
and that no matter how bitter the winter
may be there will forever follow a spring
in which joy will bloom like a flower in our hearts.

© Lazarus Shatipamba 2024

The Poets Peace

Good day guys, I hope you’re all having as good a day as I’m having. Hopefully the Monday blues have not sunk their teeth into you.

Today’s poem owes it’s inception from a post I read on Sobia’s blog ( I only just recently started following her blog, but so far I found it nothing but inspiring.

Go see for yourself if you don’t believe me

A Cold, Cold World

Do things for people not because of who they are or what they do in return, but because of who you are.

Harold S. Kushner

I know
that it’s a cold, cold world out here.
That even with a jacket on
you may find yourself freezing
shivering cause it’s a cold, cold world.
But I ask, that you be bold
enough to share the warmth of your light
with those who are shivering
and freezing in this cold, cold world.

© Lazarus Shatipamba 2024

The Poets Peace

The Blogosphere | A Place

Be patient, if something is supposed to happen, it’s going to happen.

Chiara Ferragni

It’s a world on its own
In time
I’ve come to call it my home
For not only
Is it the place where my heart is
It’s also where my craft is

It’s a place
to unleash my creativity
A place to hone my craft
A place to meet and greet
And get to know people that will show
You how to wow at the wonder of life.

It’s a place to get inspired
It is my favorite place

© Lazarus Shatipamba 2024

The Poets Peace

Love You Forever

Success does not consist in never making mistakes but in never making the same one a second time.

George Bernard Shaw

I will
love you, forever

I will, never
stop loving you

Even when your physical beauty
begins to fade with time
and it becomes nothing but a memory of yesterday
I will endeavor to make rhyme
my actions with my words.

And so
I will, never
stop loving you

For I made a vow
that I will
love you forever.

© Lazarus Shatipamba 2024

The Poets Peace

Help me keep the blog running

I’m in love, again

Believe in yourself, push your limits, and do whatever it takes to conquer your goals.

Retrieved from The Motivation app

I’m in love, again
after so many years
I’m in love again
with you, so I shed tears
of joy, cause I’m in love, again.

It’s been a while
but I’m in love again
although I risk much pain
by being in love again
I will smile a big smile
for I am in love again
with you.

With you I am in love
and although I risk much pain
I know there is much to gain
from being in love again.

So I smile a big smile
for after so many years
it’s good to know my heart
has not forsaken it’s art.

© Lazarus Shatipamba 2024

The Poets Peace

Help me keep the blog running

The Universe

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.

Jim Ryun

The universe
is like a giant classroom
and you are but a learner
with circumstance as your teacher
and everyone else your classmate.
Even though not all of us are good academics
we should never despair
for so long as we work together
to solve our problems
the sooner we will learn
to live, our lives
to the best of our abilities.

© Lazarus Shatipamba 2024

The Poets Peace

Life Is Not Easy

Good things come to people who wait, but better things come to those who go out and get them.


No one ever said ”life will be easy”
So when the going gets rough
Just remember that life is not easy
And be thankful you have a life.

When the going gets tough, just remember
No one ever said ”life will be easy”
So find a way to hang in there
For so long as you persevere
Your salvation will be near.

No one ever said ”life will be easy”
So don’t expect it to be a stroll in your hood.
Although it is hard, just know it’s good
For you that life is not easy.

It being challenging makes you stronger
So when life gets hard just remember
That life is not easy and strive to be better
For so long as you persevere, your salvation is near.

© Lazarus Shatipamba 2024

The Poets Peace

The Path of Most Resistance

When you say yes to something unimportant, you say no to something important.

Robin Sharma

I know the path of least resistance is very easy to follow
Because challenges and tough times are never easy to swallow.
But I implore you to follow the path of most resistance
Because although the difficult road means you are never at rest
It is the one that will guarantee you perform at your brilliant best.

I know the path of least resistance is very easy to follow
That it is better to experience happiness, rather then sorrow
But if becoming better matters to you, then do be sure
To take the distance that will offer you the most resistance
As surely, it will improve your level of persistence.

I know the path of most resistance is never easy to follow
Because the path of least resistance is way too easy to swallow.
But if you ever want to be the best when faced by a test
The be sure to embrace the path that offers the most resistance
For it will to your inner power bring you into existence.

© Lazarus Shatipamba 2024

The Poets Peace

Hi guys. Today’s poem was inspired by chapter 20 in Robin Sharma’s bestseller, The Greatness Guide. I’ve been taking it a chapter a day for the last few weeks since the lock-down began and i’m glad to say it’s been a good motivational read. It certainly lives up to its shine as a bestseller. But me, i wouldn’t sell it for the world.

In light of the chapters’ theme, i’m curious to know about times in your life when you found yourself in tough times, that put you under pressure and led to you becoming stronger then you were.

Beauty is in the eyes of the Beholder

If you want to achieve greatness stop asking for permission.

They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Well, i guess that age old adage must be true
Cause every time i look at you I’m filled with wonder

This explains why I’m always perplexed and left to ponder
When no one stares at you the way i do
That beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.

So when nobody else looks at you i always wonder
If there is something wrong with me
Cause every time i look at you I’m filled with wonder

But nobody else’s mind seems to wander to places far
When they look at you, which gives me a clue
That beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.

Else why does my beating heart sound louder than the thunder
When i set my sights on you? I guess it’s be-
Cause every time i look at you I’m filled with wonder.

I’m an avid chess player, so unless i made a blunder
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with me, so i guess it must
Be true that beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Cause every time i look at you I’m filled with wonder

© Lazarus Shatipamba 2024

The Poets Peace

Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

Winston Churchill

When your palms are sweating
And your tummy is aching
Because you are scared, of doing something
Feel the fear and do it anyway
Its good for your mental psychology.

When you are scared
Of doing something
Feel the fear and do it anyway.

Acknowledge your sweaty palms
And calm your aching tummy
With the knowledge that
Its good for your mental psychology
When you feel the fear, but do it anyway.

© Lazarus Shatipamba 2024

The Poets Peace

Good day guys! I’m glad you made it to my blog and grateful you read this post to the end. Sure it’s not long but you’d be surprised by how many people don’t actually finish reading what they started regardless of its length.

Today’s post was inspired by a post on Jamie’s blog ( Jamie’s writing is not just inspiring, its also very insightful so be sure to check his blog out.

Once again, thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy the rest of your week

My Motivational Mantra

The ordinary focus on what they’re getting. The extraordinary think about who they’re becoming.
Like an arrow aimed at its target
I am headed straight for success.

Nothing can halt me in my progress
For i know that obstacles will bar my way
And that struggles will leave me with many a scar
But I am a visionary, So I can clearly see far
Into my future of becoming a star
That shines the light of its positivity
In this dark world filled with negativity.

© Lazarus Shatipamba 2024

The Poets Peace

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More then the sky blue

Just like the blacksmith hammers the gallant knights sword into shape.

Tough times batter me into becoming better.

Lazarus Shatipamba

Do you know what it means for a poet to love you?
Even when your lipstick's smudged and your makeup's dry
He will love you as much as birds love the sky blue.

Tell her, the poet loves you much more then lies the true
When stupid cupid comes around to ask you why
You don't know what it means for a poet to love you.

When your friends come by your house to ask for a clue
How much the poet loves you, without even a try-
Tell them he loves you more then the sky loves its blue.

Say that the poet loves you many times, not a few
When they ask you to answer quick and on the fly
"Do you know what it means for a poet to love you?"

Tell all the people of the wide world the poet loves you.
Even when your own self love does begin to die
He will love you more then the judge loves what is true.

When potential suitors ask if you have a clue
In a voice that's very deep and volume high
"Do you know what it means for a poet to love you?"
Tell them he loves you more then birds love the sky blue!

© 2020 The Poets Peace

The Shining Star

If past history was all there was to the game, the richest people would be librarians.

Warren Buffet

Oh! What can ail thee, shining star in the sky?’
That have watched over me from a place afar;
With your wandering eye, there were the birds fly,
Way up high in the sky to hide from the war.

For many years have I been bright in the night.
Whilst watching over the warm earth with my eye,
I have seen many a thing has dimmed my light.
Such as when you humans make each other cry.

For many years have I watched you from afar.
And even from here I hear sounds as men die,
Rippling through the still air into my ear.
Making me cry as tears with my eye I spy.

And just as men get wounds fighting in the war.
And get nasty scars that cling to them for life.
So has this shining star been wounded with scar,
By what he saw that cut him like a sharp knife.

And so, this pain I gained in my side;
Is what ails a shining star in the sky,
At night when his light is not so bright.

© 2019 The Poets Peace

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You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.

Christopher Columbus
I am the wind that blows.
The river that flows.
And the mind that knows
How all this really grows.
Born from nothing
I permeate everything.
From the essense of your ring
To that of bees that sting.
Never made,
Hence i will never fade.
Though made into a blade
I will certainly degrade.
Out of time i stand
So my dreams never end.
Even when buried beneath sand
I am able to transcend.
I am the hand
That shapes the land.
The lad that does not understand
The concept of being grand.
My breath, stirs the trees
That sway with graceful ease.
Though i may be on my knees
I know i shall never cease.
I am the wind that blows.
The river that flows.
And the mind that knows
How all this really goes.

Lazarus Shatipamba

© 2020 The Poets Peace

Master Chess Players

Life is like chess. To win at it, one must learn its principles and put them into practice.

Robert Gwaze

Do you know how to make like a master chess player and make a move so good it forces your enemy to taste the flavour of defeat? 

Chess masters are well-known for having the godlike powers of analyzing and assessing situations coolly, weighing options calmly, good vs bad, making plans and executing them flawlessly, all this with their eyes closed. Lets us not even consider the surprising fact that calculators are jealous of their superior calculative power and that binoculars hate not being able to see as far as they. I bet even army commanders covet the skills of strategy they possess. 

Simply put master chess players are Nikola Teslas in the Science of Decision Making. Doesn’t this just make you want to be a master chess player, able to outwit obstacles, sacrifice your fears and checkmate your way to success?  I do.

Laza the wanna-be chess master😅

To be honest, however, you don’t have to fantasize about making binoculars, calculators and commanders covet your skills because you are already blessed with the same capabilities bestowed upon master chess players.

The only question is ‘Are you playing chess with life, or are you busy blundering and letting it’s challenges checkmate you?’  

Sage Advice

If you’re not stubborn, you’ll give up on experiments too soon. And if you’re not flexible, you’ll pound your head against the wall and you won’t see a different solution to a problem you’re trying to solve.

Jeff Bezos

Imagine you are a healthy and wise old man or woman, you’ve lived a long life punctuated by a plethora of enlightening experiences.

What single most significant piece of advice about charting life’s pathways would you share with a child?

If I was a dusty gray-haired sage full of age, and I was limited to imparting only one piece of advice to my child, I’d use my last breath to inspire them to cultivate a Growth Mindset, because it bestows upon its owners an intense desire for learning that can’t like a fire be put out by the waters of circumstance. I believe a Growth Mindset will go a long way in ensuring its owner can successfully navigate their way through the wilderness of life, as it embraces the scholastic attitude of learning that enhances and leads to the evolution of the human species. Life is about learning, it’s a better teacher than your Morphology lecturer. The only time you’re at risk of failing and stagnating is when you’re not learning, from your and other’s faux pas. Which is why I would advise anyone who dreams of living to be as wise as I to find lessons in every moment of their life and to turn tough circumstances into a school where they can learn to pass the difficult tests that life throws their way.

What about you? What advice would you give your child if you were old and wise?  

Would you encourage them to make like the Nights Watch and stand atop the wall of their attention, on the lookout for negative thoughts that may invade and conquer the kingdom of their happy peace of mind?

Will you be a staunch advocate for embracing positivity like it was a long lost lover?

Or would you make like a bill-board and advertise patience as a prerequisite to pursuing successful dreams?

Let me know in the comment section below. I’ll be elated to hear your advice.

Be strong in the face of temptations

Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone.

Pablo Picasso

There is a passage from the pages of the past–in the bible, in the forth chapter of the book of Matthew–that tells a most inspiring story, of how the devil sought to tempt Jesus into taking the path that leads straight to hell.

The temptation came at the ripe time, as Jesus–after fasting for forty days and forty nights–was probably at his weakest. But even though Jesus was not at his strongest, the devils endeavors at tempting Jesus can be likened to those of a fool flapping their arms so they can fly, utterly and uselessly fruitless.

Whether you’re a God-fearing Christian who never misses church or not, I think you will find golden nuggets of value in this tale if you but look at it closely.

To me the story is a metaphor for life that serves as motivation for me not to let myself be derailed by distractions when I set my mind to achieving something.

With social media a tap of the finger away, and app notifications but a beep away, we live in a world were there are distractions at every corner, so it’s not easy to focus our attention on one thing.

I’ll be the first to admit that I’ll unlock my phone with the intent of responding to a text, but instead I’ll find myself seven videos deep into Jason Silva’s Shots of Awe. Now, there’s certainly no problem in watching Jason Silva’s inspiring videos, what’s amiss is that I was supposed to be replying to a text and I let myself get sidetracked.

I know I lack the level of spiritual strength possessed by the Son of God, so I’ll probably come undone here and there, but I will do my best to be strong and not let myself be seduced into straying from the path of my purpose.

What of you?

Will you do like Jesus and be strong in the face of temptations?

Or will you give into your weakness and let yourself be swayed from the path you were on by distractions?

Don’t be shy to let me know in the comment section below, I’ll be elated to hear from you.

‘Oh Ear’ a Sonnet

When your body moves, your brain grooves.

Jim Kwik

Well hello there friend. How are you doing today? Very well I hope.

Thanks for stopping by, your presence here always fills me with gratitude.

This year, I shed a tear not only in honor of those who lost their lives to the global pandemic that’s taken the world by storm, but also for all those times I missed out on blogging.

I won’t beat myself up too much for not blogging as much as wanted to, instead I’ll prime myself to be a better blogger next year.

It is exactly because I haven’t been blogging consistently, however, that I’m really appreciative for the fact that my blog has kept on growing.

It is because of people like you who take time out to visit even when I’m not here. For that, I wish you all the best for the coming new year.

For today, I will be sharing a sonnet I composed recently in the hope that it enhances your day in any way whatsoever. If it does don’t be shy to let me know in the comment section, I’m always happy to hear from you.

So without further adue…

Oh Ear!’ how happy I am you are here.
I know you’ve been by my side my whole life,
But before I could never see you clear,
So I’d not know if you could hear my voice.
But now that I can see you I can say
That without you my life would have been dull.
I don’t know without you beside my skull
If I’d even be able to dance for joy.
In fact, I’m not sure I want to find out.
I can’t imagine my life without you.
A life where to listen I have no clue
Will surely lead me to kick the bucket
For life’s a song and it demands dancing
But I can’t dance if I’m not listening.